Rebirth Ice E-Juice by Zen Haus
Zen Haus is renowned throughout the vaping community for their assortment of tantalizing vapes that don’t taste like anything else on the market. While so many companies stick to the same old flavor profiles, Zen Haus has gone above and beyond to deliver truly innovative blends that intrigue the palate as much as they satisfy. Rebirth Ice is a magnificent fruit-menthol blend that always satisfies.
Rebirth Ice E-Juice by Zen Haus is a cool and refreshing blend that will never let you down. It begins with mountain-fresh raspberries, which are blended with crisp apples and juicy nectarines, together delivering an explosion of fresh fruit flavor that is out of this world. Rebirth Ice is then finished with a kick of cool menthol, for a rejuvenating exhale that is absolutely remarkable.
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